Friday, August 21, 2009

as for senior year

I don't want to be negative but,
so far this year isn't looking too positive. I know it has only been three days but still I was expecting more out of those three days. I mean is it really too much to ask for class to begin on the first day? Or is it outrageous that I wasn't expecting to watch a movie for the first three days of calculus? I was part of a meritocracy in my AP Gov class, but that was really less than exciting. So far this year I've learned:
  1. the juniors in my physics class are really really going to irritate me
  2. my gov. teacher crushed her optical cavity when she while riding downhill on a bike
  3. if too many people do well on an AP exam, the officials might come after you
  4. number three really Garfield High School in L.A.
  5. if you don't believe me you'll see the whole story in the movie Stand and Deliver
  6. I don't in any way remember how to complete the square
  7. completeing the square is aparently essential to both physics and calculus...just my luck
  8. health class is secretly all about abstaining...from everything
  9. those really pretty popular girls....yeah they're all pretty psyco
  10. Unless of course pulling out your eyelashes is normal....
Basically, this year's starting out slowly.
I did take a pretest in English...I'm not as scared as I was.
We've also started speaking Spanish in that class, but who cares about Spanish anyways [sorry, it's just not my cup of tea].

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I donated blood...

and now my arm really, really, really hurts :(
and I'm still light headed even though I donated around three o'clock yesterday :( :( :(
I want to go and take a nice long shower, but I'm really not sure that I could stand for that long. Sigh....oh well, I'm sure I'll feel better soon enough.
So right now...
I'm in the process of downloading Open Office. Supposedly it's a good alternative for those who can't afford the super expensive Microsoft Office. Let me tell you, it would be wonderful if this program is as wonderful as everyone says it is. Unfortunatley it takes forever to download....I've got an hour :(
I'm slightly terrified of my Lit class...
I went to open house at my lovely, little school and met all of my teachers (well most of them anyways). To explain why I'm so scared of this class that I've been deperately looking forward to taking I'll put you in the senario.
Slowly I walk into the classroom door.
I walk to the teacher and prepare to introduce myself.
Before I get a chance to say "Good afternoon,"
My teacher looks at me and says,
"I hear you just finished reading The Fountainhead,"
I'm taken aback. It's true that I have
recently finished reading Ayn Rand's more than lengthy novel but,
I'm wondering just exactly how she found that out.
Having finished the novel only a few days before, I had
yet to tell anyone that could have seen her.
Before I have time to completely collect my thoughts she says,
"By the way, congratulations on that four. This year you can get a five."
For anyone who doesn't know, the AP test scale is from 0-5.
I was fortunate enough to score a four on the Language and
Composition test (I'm a bit of an English nerd), however
now my Lit teacher is hoping for a five.
I've been marked as one of those crazy overacheivers.
Now I'm just a wee bit terrified of my Literature and Composition class because guess what! I'm really not an overacheiver. I'm dedicated to my studies, yes, but now I've got to put out ten times the effort I was expecting to exert, becasue apparently I've got potential. Sigh. Double sigh....deep breath in....Okay so it's not that bad. I'm simply afraid of failure.


This year should be an interesting one.