Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I've been accepted to the University of Arkansas
I got my letter last Friday.  All that's left to do is wait for orientation and pray that I find enough funds.  I'm starting in the summer (basically to keep myself busy) and if god shedeth his light upon me I won't completely fail. 
 So graduation is on May 21st
I kind of feel like it's a long time from now, but it seems as though the year is speeding by me with little to no mercy.  Eight weeks into my senior year and all I've really accomplished is to get accepted to college.  I've yet to start any of the nine hundred thousand essays I need to write begging those more fortunate than I to please, please, please fund my college experience.  Here soon I'm supposedly meeting with some official for this "Cash for College" program my counselor keeps trying to push.  I hate interviews. Well, actually I hate the idea of interviews [never actually been to one].   I think if I can manage to make all my deadlines I should definitely be okay for fall semester, but I'm a little more than nervous about the funds for this summer.
So...I think I like Calculus
Except for the fact there are so many hours of homework it's nearly impossible to not be thinking about the derivative of this graph or the slope of that cure for at least a third of my day [for those of you who don't speak math...those two things are essentially the same thing].  Calculus really does come in handy though and for all of you out there who said, "oh I'll never use it in my everyday life"; well let's just say if you plan on doing anything besides being a hermit under a rock for the rest of your life, you'll probably use calculus a lot more than you realize.  I swear it's the math of the world. It's entangled amongst nearly all "basic" math.  I'm just's kind of amazing.
I should wrap this up now because...
As you probably could have guessed, I have calculus homework I should be doing.  And my English book won't read itself.  All in all, school is good, I still can't sleep, as always I procrastinate WAY too much, and I'm hopeful that the future will be better than the past.  

oh....and btw

ZOMBIELAND is an amazing movie.

until we meet again :]