This is me today. I've had a bit of a rough week and here I am trying to figure out where to go next.
Today is another Day 1.
Despite the fact that I haven't met any of my recent goals...
Despite the fact that my apartment is supremely messy right now...
Despite the fact that today feel like things will never get any better...
Today is another Day 1.
I've noticed that a lot of people think wellness and health should have only 1 "Day 1"
as if one morning we wake up and decide I'm going to be better
and then suddenly are.
as if we can actually make significant changes by following a 30-day-challenge or 6-weeks-to-results formula
we can't.
Everlasting change is a journey.
There is no beginning and there definitely is no end
If we want to be better versions of ourselves and achieve our goals.....
We have to stop focusing on Day 1 mentality.
For years (since having my son) I've started things. I started being a vegetarian to lose weight. When that didn't work I started being a vegan. When I was pulling my hair out because that wasn't working I gave up.
I gave up so quickly because the Day 1 formula was stuck in my head.
Day 1 of new thing + tons of hope/excitement about results= results
Unfortunately, this formula does not compute. It's untrue, and in my opinion it's a lie that we have to stop telling ourselves. In order to heal/lose weight/be more productive, whatever the goal is, we can't think in terms of Day 1.
To find success we must create success. Believe it. Live it.
Notice the period at the end of everyday.
That's the biggest point to be made here.
To be successful we must practice success everyday. Period.
No excuses.
No putting it off.
If you truly truly want to see things happen in your life,
Be the person you want to be.
Be genuine, be realistic, be kind.
Realize that 100% change doesn't happen overnight
and that every obstacle is another opportunity.
let your light shine and the world will be a brighter place