So how about the world today? I guess it's pretty wonderful. I mean everyday we wake up and get another chance to make up for what we didn't do the day before. Our lives are full of do-overs and second chances and for what? So most of us can make the same mistakes again? Its a pretty beautiful circle if you ask me.
I'm an Artist.I live in a small town that most outsiders have probably never heard of and therefore finding artistic opportunities isn't a cake walk, but I'm always up for a good challenge :] I've been an artist since I was four-ish. Not that I had any miracle art skills back then, I just knew that I loved to make art and that it would always be a part of my life. Now I'm twelve years older and yes, I still love art. I don't know why I'm an artist, but I'm sure it's something similar to why musicians make music or doctors want to help people. I feel it somewhere in my soul and that's what matters to me.
I haven't really found my favorite medium is or even my favorite style of art. In my loosely organized portfolio I have a mixture of several types of art in several different mediums [everyone say hooray for Art I]. I'm going to own a coffee shop someday in which I'll display local artworks. I'm not really sure how to go about achieving this particular goal so please if anyone has any suggestions feel free to leave me a comment [I'd truly appreciate it].
I relate nearly everything to art in some way or another [or at least try]. I have a somewhat elaborate life philosophy that I plan on illustrating someday as a masterpiece. I have a lot of aspirations. Whenever I have problems I sort through them by drawing or painting for hours upon end. I've tried other methods such as talking things out or writing to help me work out spiritual tension and for me art is truly the only way.
I don't sleep too Well.I never really understood why, but I don't like sleeping. More often than not I stay up until ungodly hours of the morning [such as 2 or 3 am] and then attempt to face the world at the oh-so-wonderful hour of 6:0o am [my apologies to anyone who actually likes that hour]. If it were up to me the world would not start until at least 9 am. Needless to say I'm not too much of a morning person, and as I don't sleep for the recommended number of hours I am a caffeine addict. Alright now that all the gasps in the peanut gallery have quieted I will tell you that my love of caffeine sparked my idea to open a coffee shop. Coffee is a good mediator for any conversation and saves the lives of millions. I love coffee at any time of the day and am always ready to go out for coffee.
Alright so since I only sleep like four to five hours of the twenty-four hour day I'm sure you've realized that I have tons of time on my hands. I mean in all reality I'm looking at somewhere around nineteen or twenty hours of free time. Well, okay not free time I do have that one thing called school but really I don't pay attention at school anyway so it doesn't really count for anything. So I'm a pretty eclectic person as far as how I spend my free time. I really enjoy going outside...not to really do anything except maybe create art but just to be outside. I absolutely love going into town where there are so many people to observe [did I mention I'm interested in sociology?]. You'll be hard pressed to find a day when I won't sit strike up a conversation with a stranger [so please feel free to talk to me I will respond ^_^]. I generally love to talk at any hour of the day or night and yes I am that friend that calls at 3 am because I don't realize that normal people sleep. So that brings me to the reason I wanted to start this blog...I'm bored and need a new hobby :]
I read and listen to music A Lot.Have you ever met someone who always has a book with them and pulls it out everywhere? Yeah...that's me. I carry this really large plaid bad with me nearly everywhere [inside is most of my world] and I always have at least one book that I'm reading at the time. Not only do I read an insane amount of books for my age, I tend to read books that are I guess different than what most sixteen-year-old girls read. I actually have a teacher that picks on me because of my reading list. He seems to find it entertaining that one day I'll have some great American classic and the next I'll carry around a copy of Twilight [btw sorry to any twilight fans but I'm half way through the saga and it sucks]. I guess I am a little strange but I love who I am and I guess that's pretty cool. Let's see some of my favorite books are:
- 1984 by George Orwell
- Crank by Ellen Hopskins
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- Anthem by Ayn Rand
- Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
- Animal Farm by George Orwell
- All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Marie Remarque
- The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
- Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
There are several more but I guess that's a good list for now. Like I mentioned earlier I'm about half way through the Twilight Saga but I don't really like it. I mean I guess it's a good story but I tend to prefer books with a bit more substance [once again no offense to anyone]. I finished New Moon earlier over holiday break but didn't have time to go to the library and pick up Eclipse so I started reading the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. So far it's pretty much amazing. I'm so glad that my Mr. Amazing boyfriend suggested it.
So alongside reading a lot I've almost always got some kind of music going. If I'm not reading I've most likely got the earbuds of my iPod touch in my ears. If I'm drawing or painting or even sculpting I'll have something playing outloud. And when I say something I mean something...I have a pretty broad taste in music and so there's rarely a pattern to the types of music that will be playing around me. I'm always open to new music too because like I said I have a pretty broad palet when it comes to music.
Okay so bottom Line.I'm an artist. I love to be around people. I read a lot. I listen to music. I'm a little different than most people but I'm okay with it. My life is full of day dreams and giggles even though everything's not always sunshine and butterflies. I'm gonna make an impact somewhere someday. And I'll just sit here and watch it happen. =]